7 Types of Rest

In this episode, we discuss the concept of rest and the seven types of rest identified by Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith. The seven types of rest are physical rest, mental rest, spiritual rest, emotional rest, sensory rest, social rest, and creative rest.

We took the seven types of rest quiz to see where we were deficient. We share our results, ways we’re working to address our rest deficits, and offer practical tips for each type of rest. As always, we emphasize the need for self-awareness and self-care.


  • Rest is not just about physical relaxation, but also includes mental, emotional, spiritual, sensory, social, and creative aspects.

  • Self-awareness is key in identifying areas of rest that may be depleted and need attention.

  • Taking breaks and engaging in activities that restore and recharge each type of rest can lead to greater overall well-being.

  • Finding a balance and prioritizing different types of rest can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

  • Surrounding oneself with the right people is crucial for social rest.

  • Finding meaning and purpose is key to achieving spiritual rest.

  • Connecting with nature and practicing mindfulness can contribute to overall rest.


Links, Corrections, and Whatnot

TEDx Talk

Seven Types of Rest Assessment Quiz


Sunk Cost Fallacy


How to "Respect Your Sleep”